LateNight RP FAQ

Q: Where can I find a weapon license?

A: Go to any police station and ask an officer within roleplay how you can obtain a weapon license.

Q: How can I find a players ID?

A: If you press the "HOME" key you will see a players ID above there head. This is especially helpful when submitting reports. Using this to find other players' locations is considered Powergaming.

Q: How do I stack items in the inventory?

A: If you delete the number in the quantity box and move a stack of items in inventory or storage, you will move them all no matter how many are there. If you put the quantity at 0 it does the same thing!

Q: Am I able to customize my HUD?

A: If your press the "I" key the HUD UI will appear on you screen.

Q: How do I let my friend drive my car?

A: If you do /givekeys > 101 this will give the keys to specific person.

Q: How do I sell my vehicle to someone?

A: /transferVehicle > ID > Price. If you wish to give the vehicle away to someone, then leave the Price blank. You will need to sit in the driver seat with the person nearby.

Last updated